During this Yoga Nidra session we will give you the opportunity to completley relax.
During this session we will be focussing on our breathe to calm our mind and body.
Interview between Dr Pandher, consultant obstetrician at Torbay hospital, and Alicia Price who is 25 weeks pregnant.
During this video Dr Pandher will explain what happens in your body during the third trimester of pregnancy and how you can best accommodate.
What changes in your body during pregnancy and how exercise can have an impact.
Anxiety in pregnancy is very common. In this video Dr Pandher will talk about what happens in your body together with some tips on how you can help yourself.
The ‘fourth’ trimester is the 12-week period immediately after you have had your baby. It is a time of great physical and emotional change as your baby adjust to being outside the womb, and you adjust to your new life as a mum.
Both you and your baby will go through major transformations in those first three months after birth, and it can sometimes feel pretty overwhelming. Here some tips that might be useful.